Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 (2nd Edition)
Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 - Second Edition (1997)(Microsoft Press).iso
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164 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "CKeyboard"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
Public Enum EErrorKeyboard
eeBaseKeyboard = 13080 ' CKeyboard
End Enum
Private abKeys(0 To 255) As Byte
' Get or set toggle state of Caps Lock key
Property Get CapsState() As Boolean
' Get toggled and pressed state of all keys
GetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
' Check low bit for state
CapsState = abKeys(VK_CAPITAL) And 1
End Property
Property Let CapsState(fCapsStateA As Boolean)
' Get toggled and pressed state of all keys
GetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
' Set low bit to new pressed state
If fCapsStateA Then
abKeys(VK_CAPITAL) = abKeys(VK_CAPITAL) Or 1
abKeys(VK_CAPITAL) = abKeys(VK_CAPITAL) And &HFE
End If
' Store changed array
SetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
End Property
' Get or set toggle state of Insert key
Property Get InsState() As Boolean
' Get toggle and pressed state of all keys
GetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
' Check low bit for state
InsState = abKeys(VK_INSERT) And 1
End Property
Property Let InsState(fCapsStateA As Boolean)
' Get toggle and pressed state of all keys
GetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
' Set low bit to new pressed state
If fCapsStateA Then
abKeys(VK_INSERT) = abKeys(VK_INSERT) Or 1
abKeys(VK_INSERT) = abKeys(VK_INSERT) And &HFE
End If
' Store changed array
SetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
End Property
' Get or set toggle state of Num Lock key
Property Get NumState() As Boolean
' Get toggle and pressed state of all keys
GetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
' Check low bit for state
NumState = abKeys(VK_NUMLOCK) And 1
End Property
Property Let NumState(fCapsStateA As Boolean)
' Get toggle and pressed state of all keys
GetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
' Set low bit to new pressed state
If fCapsStateA Then
abKeys(VK_NUMLOCK) = abKeys(VK_NUMLOCK) Or 1
abKeys(VK_NUMLOCK) = abKeys(VK_NUMLOCK) And &HFE
End If
' Store changed array
SetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
End Property
' Get or set toggle state of Scroll Lock key
Property Get ScrollState() As Boolean
' Get toggle and pressed state of all keys
GetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
' Check low bit for state
ScrollState = abKeys(VK_SCROLL) And 1
End Property
Property Let ScrollState(fCapsStateA As Boolean)
' Get toggle and pressed state of all keys
GetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
' Set low bit to new pressed state
If fCapsStateA Then
abKeys(VK_SCROLL) = abKeys(VK_SCROLL) Or 1
abKeys(VK_SCROLL) = abKeys(VK_SCROLL) And &HFE
End If
' Store changed array
SetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
End Property
' Get or set toggle state of any toggle key
Property Get KeyState(iKey As Integer) As Boolean
' Get toggle and pressed state of all keys
GetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
' Check low bit for state
KeyState = abKeys(iKey) And 1
End Property
Property Let KeyState(iKey As Integer, fKeyStateA As Boolean)
' Get toggle and pressed state of all keys
GetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
' Set low bit to new pressed state
If fKeyStateA Then
abKeys(iKey) = abKeys(iKey) Or 1
abKeys(iKey) = abKeys(iKey) And &HFE
End If
' Store changed array
SetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
End Property
' Get or set pressed state of any key
Property Get KeyPressed(iKey As Integer) As Boolean
' Get toggled and pressed state of all keys
GetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
' Check high bit for state
KeyPressed = abKeys(iKey) And &H80
End Property
Property Let KeyPressed(iKey As Integer, fKeyPressedA As Boolean)
' Get toggle and pressed state of all keys
GetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
' Set high bit to new pressed state
If fKeyPressedA Then
abKeys(iKey) = abKeys(iKey) Or &H80
abKeys(iKey) = abKeys(iKey) And &H7F
End If
' Store changed array
SetKeyboardState abKeys(0)
End Property
#If fComponent = 0 Then
Private Sub ErrRaise(e As Long)
Dim sText As String, sSource As String
If e > 1000 Then
sSource = App.ExeName & ".Keyboard"
Select Case e
Case eeBaseKeyboard
BugAssert True
' Case ee...
' Add additional errors
End Select
Err.Raise COMError(e), sSource, sText
' Raise standard Visual Basic error
sSource = App.ExeName & ".VBError"
Err.Raise e, sSource
End If
End Sub
#End If